Saturday, November 26, 2016

Diabolic comparison

Fidel Castro, with his comrades, has killed about 20 thousand people (from the whole population of 11 million). Cubans drowned while trying to escape are not included in this number - they were about 77 thousand. Also Cuban soldiers dead while exporting communism to other countries are not included - they were about 14 thousand.

Before Castro seized power, Cuba was one of the most developed countries in the western hemisphere. Today, Cuba is economically ruined.

Cuban communists have never organised real elections and keep power  till today.
Augusto Pinochet, with his junta, has killed about 3 thousand people  (from the whole population of 16 million).

Pinochet has seized power when Chile was in complete economical disintegration. When he gave up the power, Chile was one of the most developed countries in the western hemisphere.

Pinochet has renounced power after referendum which he has lost 44/65.

Castro, together with his co-tyran Guevara, has become the hero of "all progressive forces".

Pinochet has become a prototype of evil.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Hlavní téma voleb

Hlavním tématem většiny veřejných vystoupení Hillary Clinton bylo:
"Radujte se, budete mít za prezidenta ženu (tedy mne)."

Hlavním tématem většiny veřejných vystoupení Donalda Trumpa bylo:
"Postavím Ameriku na nohy aby se vám lépe žilo."

Pořád se divíte, proč vyhrál Trump ?

Monday, November 7, 2016

No republican candidate

I hoped, that after eight years of Obama, there will be a republican president in the White House. And any decent republican candidate would easily win against Hilary. Unfortunately, there is no republican candidate this time.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Styďte se !

A pořád nemůžeme pochopit, proč je někdo jako D.Trump tak populární.

Lidem už prostě dochází trpělivost s neustávající propagandou, kde jsou obviňování z rasismu, xenofobie, sexismu, homophobie, islamophobie,.... a opravdu nemají pocit, že by se měli stydět za to, že jsou běloši, muži, heterosexualove, křesťané,...

Když normální volič pořád od H.Clintonové slyší, že by se mělo pomoci té-či-té další menšině, začne si říkat: "Já nejsem menšina, ale já mám taky problémy. Kdo pomůže mně ?"

Cold winds from the east

It's scary, the explosion of the number of internet articles attacking H.Clinton with fabricated cases and "evidences". Almost all those texts come in the end from obscure (so-called "uncensored") servers. Their style strongly resembles style of the Russian propaganda targeting since several years Central Europe (servers like Sputnik etc.). Also their spread is similar, from cases which could-be-true to complete nonsense (which even Wikileak would hesitate to publish), targeting thus a wide spectrum of audience.