Sunday, May 26, 2019

Le résumé de l'élection

  • FN a perdu des voix par rapport à la dernière fois.
  • Les partis présidentiels ont toujours perdu les élections européennes, Macron a subi la plus petite perte de tous.
  • Les extrémistes rouges ont été remplacés par les extrémistes verts.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Message aux Gilets Jaunes

Voici à quoi ressemblent 50 000 manifestants.

70 000 selon la police.
(et oui, les estimations de la police sont bien plus élevées que celles des organisateurs)

(hier a Prague)

Monday, May 20, 2019

Pour qui voter

Je ne voterai pas pour ceux qui veulent me priver de mes libertés pour me protéger contre des dangers imaginaires ou exagérés.

Je vote pour ceux qui veulent me donner plus de liberté pour m'ouvrir de nouvelles possibilités et libertés.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


In fact, Daenerys Targaryen has turned to the Dark Side of the Force
very much in the same way and for the same reasons as Anakin Skywalker.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Chernobyl is about Russian communism

Chernobyl is not about nuclear energy. Chernobyl is about Russian communism.

It was about the worst possible nuclear disaster that could ever happen. It would be difficult to reproduce it anywhere else. It would be really difficult to reproduce the level of incompetence and mismanagement, characteristic of the late Soviet system. (That incompetence is of course in no way contradictory to the real heroism of many concerned, as often in the Russian history.)

Chernobyl disaster was probably the worst possible nuclear disaster. And still, it has caused about the same number of victims as, for example, the Bhopal chemical disaster. (Anybody remembers that one ?). And it has caused an order of magnitude less victims than the worst hydroelectric power station disaster, the Banqiao Dam Collapse. (By the way, the soviets have participated in the Bangiao dam design too.)

Chernobyl disaster is not an argument against the nuclear power.
In fact, it is an argument for the nuclear power. 

"The lesson of Chernobyl isn’t that modern nuclear power is dangerous. The lesson is that lying, arrogance, and suppression of criticism are dangerous.”
-- Craig Mazin, writer and director of HBO’s Chernobyl