Monday, November 9, 2020


Poprvé po dlouhé době dává naivní sigmoidní fit nakažených v Česku pozitivní výsledek, 3 dny za kulminací, předpokládaný koncový počet nakažených bude skoro 800 tisíc.
Kulminace počtu obětí by měla nastat zhruba za týden, celkově bude skoro 15 tisíc obětí.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Grotesque Loser

Despite his horrible personality, his heritage could be not completely negative. After all, he has done some good things, in the foreign policy, in the economy, his prison reform is probably more important to the black community than all those BLM riots. And whether we like it or not, he was a voice of many voiceless people. But by that childish refusal to leave with dignity, he has wasted all that and he will be remembered mostly as a grotesque loser. 

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Narrowest Win

Biden, Harris and the Democrats should seriously think about those elections. Why, after 4 years of the childish, narcissist and chaotic president, after a massive support of almost all major media, they have won by nearly the smallest possible margin - and not only the Presidency, but the Senate and the House as well (and they may still lose them). And why they have lost in all 'minority' groups (blacks, latinos, women) in comparison with the elections 2016, while they are pretending to represent exactly those people.